Asperger Services Australia Ltd (ASA) was established in 1995 and has a membership of well over 700 people from all Australia. ASA is linked with professionals, schools, service providers and other organisations.
ASA is a volunteer organisation supporting families and individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Members enjoy:
regular monthly newsletters
coffee mornings
BBQs and outings
family camps (as funding permits)
and other family activities
ASA maintains a free lending resource library for its financial members.
ASA offers support groups for parents and a separate group for adults.
Playgroups are held here to help families with children with an Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC). Participating in a PlayConnect playgroup offers play-based learning opportunities for children with ASC as well as the opportunity for their families and carers to connect and share their experiences.
ASA runs the very successful Secret Agent Society social skills training for children aged 8-12.
The Asperger Centre is the first of its kind in Australia to provide affordable access to diagnostic assessment and interventions by allied health professionals plus a range of valuable support services all under the one roof. Seminars, conferences and workshops for parents and professionals are regularly held at various venues in Queensland and interstate and at our Asperger Centre.
ASA also recognises and responds to the need for raising awareness and community education on Asperger’s Syndrome.
ASA is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of individuals with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and of those who care for them, and to helping individuals with ASC reach their full potential to benefit from acceptance, participation and inclusion in our society