Dr Michael Coroneos is a leading senior Brisbane Neurosurgeon providing independent, experienced opinions and Neurosurgery . he has particular expertise and is a leading Neurosurgical advisor to Insurers;Solicitors ;Workplace Health& Safety organisations&;Health practitioners and to the Courts.He provides detailed ,evidence-based, fully refenced and catalogued independent , impartial and constructive Neurosurgical opinions& assessments.

He is Assistant Professor: Academic Adjunct Appointment Bond University.

Dr Coroneos qualified MB BS (1st Class Honours) in 1980 from the University of Queensland.He went on to train in Neurosurgery from 1984 at PA Hospital, Mater Adults and Childrens , Royal Brisbane & Childrens in Brisbane then in 1989 in Edinbugh at the prestigious Western General and Royal Infirmary(Adults and Childrens).

Dr Coroneos holds 5 Fellowships and is Triple PI Assessor Credentialled: WorkCover Qld, ComCare Australia 2-1 and CIME from ABIME.

Dr Coroneos obtained by full examination & logbooking dual qualifications in Neurosurgery (FRACS in 1988) and Surgical Neurology ( FRCS(EDIN)SN in 1989).He also is an Associate of the American college of Surgeons and Full Member NSA, NSA and Australian Pain Society. He is an Examiner for RACS Examinations.Other RACS roles include being 1st & 2nd Line Mortality Assessor for Surgical Mortality.

He is an Accredited PI Assessor and is on the Work cover Qld and ComCare Australia listed PI Assessors approved.PI Assessment Panel.He is an independent, objective, evidence-based , thorough,experienced and respected Neurosurgical Assessor & Advisor.

Dr Coroneos assesses & performs brain, spinal , peripheral nerve and pain surgery and is fully registered as a Specialist Neurosurgeon with Full CME status by both Medical Board of Australia and RACS.

Contact Details: Address:Suite 73, Silverton Place, 101 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, 4000
Telephone: 07-38319511
Facsimile: 07-38319512
Email : coroneosneuro@bigpond.com
Web: www.drmichaelcoroneos.com.au