Flyers Distribution!
Are you looking to advertise your business locally around Brisbane?
We offer house to house distribution or outdoor distribution.
We do have a GPS track and we report it to you after job is done
We can distribute flyers for any kind of business included these follow ones!
– Real Estate
– Restaurant
– Clothes Story
– Print store
– Parties / events
– Mechanic
– Newspaper / Magazine
Because of the our experience in this business, we know how important your business is and how essential it is for every single brochure to be successfully delivered.
We do charge our clients by the hours rate not the amount of flyers, just because depend on the location and distance from one house to another.
If we can’t deliver all the flyers within the time frame, you will be notified to either pay extra to finish the order or to return the flyers to you. We will not throw any flyers away as must of the flyers distribution companies do when give your quote by amount of the flyers.
Our Price
QUANTITY COST/1000 (ex gst)
100 up to 499……………….. $30 (exc GSt)
500 up to 999…………… $60 (Exc Gst)
1.000 up to 2.999………… $180 (Exc Gst)
5.000 …………..$300
Contact me today for a FREE quote only: 0402 311 481