Hair Replacement Australia

Company Profile

I have suffered hair loss myself and I understand how emotional it can be.

Several years ago my self-esteem was really suffering because of my inevitable baldness; I needed to do something drastically. An ad in the paper caught my eye and I started looking into what I thought was a cure for hair loss. I thought if celebrities and sportsmen were having it done, then surely these hair replacement companies could be trusted. Unfortunately it started a rollercoaster ride for years to come. I was lied to by big well known hair clubs promising they could regrow my own hair. Little did I know I was going to be wearing a toupee (hair system) and paying through the nose for the privilege.

Tired of being held to ransom and paying for poor quality hair systems in the middle of an expensive contract, whilst suffering little to no customer service that lacked the empathy and understanding of what I was going through, I began investigating for myself to find a better quality hair system that I could share with other people that surely were suffering the same fate as me.

My research led me to USA, Asia and Europe in search of manufacturers who could provide quality hair systems, hair tapes and hair glue adhesives; the best on the market. It has been an expensive, time consuming, emotional and enlightening journey, but I am finally happy with my appearance, using the best hair replacement products available and I am ready to pass this knowledge onto you.

I started this hair replacement company because I saw a real need for an honest approach in the hair replacement industry, providing quality hair systems at an affordable price with no contracts. I saw a real need to provide
quality service to existing and potential hair system wearing customers, and I feel it imperative that customers are provided with all of the knowledge available to assist them in not only making a well-informed decision, but to help them be more self sufficient in maintaining their own hair systems.

Unfortunately hair loss – baldness is a very lonely and emotional process a lot of men go through, but more often than not, never talked about openly. You will have the benefit of my knowledge and personal experience. We will offer you the best quality hair systems and hair replacement products and services available.

At Hair Replacement Australia we are here to openly discuss your personal situation and customise a hair loss solution that is designed just for you.


For more information about hair loss, hair replacement and hair systems vist us at;
Hair Replacement Australia