Technically, it ain’t going to happen.
You get the same amount as everyone else. 168 hours per week to be exact.
Some weeks, time flies. Other weeks, it stands still.
As a small business owner, entrepreneur or service provider, there never seems to be enough time.
Do you agree?
I bet you started your business as you had a passion for your product or service. I bet you didn’t start your business to do the paperwork or other tedious chores that comes along with running a business. Yep, it’s time wasting for you however it is a necessity.
Have you ever considered finding someone else who actually loves doing these types of chores for you? Hmmm, perhaps you could then take a full weekend off instead of catching up on paperwork!
If you’re a sucker for punishment, ignore this email.
Chances are, if you’ve read this far, you’re a little bit curious as you’re looking for your lost ‘spare’ time.
It may be your perfect time to at least find out how to start building your virtual office team so you can focus on working IN your business and not ON your business.
Oh, and don’t worry, it’s really simple. There’s already a team put together who can handle all aspects of business administration. Check them out here: ( or contact Debbie on
Thanks for your time!
Debbie Corlet
PS: If you enquire today, you can be experiencing spare time as quickly as tonight! Go home to your family, kick your feet up and relax.