Hair Loss Scams

Unfortunately, not all hair loss and hair replacement companies act in the best interest of the consumer and misrepresent the facts. The hair replacement industry is growing rapidly in Australia and now more than ever the consumer needs more knowledgeable and factual information.

Hair loss potions, lotions, creams and rubs are a multibillion dollar industry worldwide. Hair replacement companies make a huge profit preying on innocent people with dishonest behaviour and cheap miracle cures. The sad truth is many people are desperate to find a cure and will grasp at anything. In telling the truth, there is very little money to be made, which is why many hair replacement companies take a different direction when it comes to selling their products. The hair loss industry is estimated to be worth in excess of $1 billion per year. With such money at stake, if there truly was a product that could regrow hair or stop hair loss everyone would know about it.


What is the easiest way to avoid being scammed? The answer is knowledge. The more you know about the causes of hair loss, the more you will be able to identify a legitimate product and a legitimate company.

Think before you buy. Look for any product guarantees and make sure to read any claims that the manufacturers make. Dont be taken in by those before and after photos that seem to be the main staple of product advertising or claims of % hair regrowth.

Before beginning any treatment for hair loss or hair replacement get a second opinion. Get in writing the exact treatment, procedure or medication being offered to you and consult with your doctor about the facts before you sign any contracts or pay any money. Do not be embarrassed to get the facts; it could just save you a lot of money and emotional stress.


For more information about hair loss, hair replacement and hair systems vist us at;
Hair Replacement Australia