Shinoda Dental supplies Emmi-dent ultrasonic electric toothbrushes and accessories. Emmi-dent cleans with ultrasound where no bristles can reach. Its ultrasound properties protect your teeth and implants by killing bacteria outside and deep inside the tissues.
Ultrasound kills bacteria and activates a self-healing process. Your teeth regain their original white and brightness without bleaching. After two to three days of use, your teeth will shine whiter. The Emmi-dent tooth cleaning system is gentle on your gums and enamel. The Emmi-dent nano-bubble ultrasound toothpaste contains no abrasive particles or bleach and causes no irritation or abrasions on the enamel and gums. The Emmi-dent nano-bubble ultrasound toothpaste protects the enamel and provides a protective shield, helping to maintain healthy teeth and gums.